Stories of Heroism and Unity amidst calamity

The non-stop rain the last 10 days left most of Metro Manila cities submerged in water.

Many people needed help. A lot were stranded and needed to be rescued. Some people needed food and clothing supplies. Others were still holding on to their lives at the top of the roof either hoping for the water to subside or get rescued.

These sad images and situations of our countrymen brought Pinoys to unite and help in any way they can. Some in prayers, some in sending donations. Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter were used as channels to ask help for others. Government and non-government officials were making their way out there to rescue stranded Filipinos even if that would mean risking their own lives.

The Philippines is a land divided by seas, political stands, beliefs and even dialects. It is good to know that At this time of calamity, Filipinos unite to give a Helping hand
