The Daily Show Experience

Me inside The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Studio in New  York

It is one of those shows that we don't have in the Philippines. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report are two most popular satire shows that provide humorous commentary on the biggest news in the United States and the rest of the world, no holds barred and almost always, no censorship!

Having worked in the TV industry in the Philippines for 11 years of my life, I know that with the present Censorship rule in the country, there is no way we can pull off a show like this. The country may have a potential Stephen Colbert or John Stewart like Arnold Clavio or Mike Enriquez, it is far from possibility that audience would see them curse on National TV or lambast anyone even if they deserve to be knocked down to the ground anyway. Filipino news casters are still too gracious to do that on National TV.

But I will always be a fan of these two shows. Although almost half of the time, while watching, I could not relate to the topics and underlying jokes because I am not an American, I find these shows intelligent, entertaining and fearless!

So, I had the opportunity to watch The Daily Show this month as a live studio guest. I got the tickets though online booking two months earlier.

The studio is located at 11th Avenue between 51st and 52nd Street. The studio is located in a modest low-rise building,  far different from the tall Rockefeller Center where NBC studios are or GMA Network Center for that matter, but in my mind, the people who work for that show are at par with any Media giant, when it comes to ideas and sheer talent!

After showing up at the entrance of the studio, I was given a physical ticket and was asked to come back after two hours.

After two hours, audience had to line up according to their ticket number. I could imagine a scenario like this in the Philippines where people would push each other, cut each other's line to get inside the studio. But here, everything was very organized.

Before, we go inside, one of The Daily Show staffs came to us and briefed us on the very strict rules inside the studio. Camera is not allowed for the duration of the taping. Talking is not allowed because Microphones are all over the studio, etc.

Few moments later,  we were inside the studio. There was the familiar set which is a lot bigger than what I got used to in our GMA Studios. The audience area is set up around looking down on the set so every one can see the host perfectly.

Before the taping begun, a staff came up the set and said that we are already allowed to take pictures. After few minutes, another staff came up to prep the audience. That moment, I thought I was in a comedy bar. The guy gave us a brief introduction of what our 'big' roles will be as an audience. He taught us how to "laugh big" so the microphones can pick it up.

We practiced it several times. He also asked some lucky individual to make fun of and practice to "laugh big" in front of everyone! I was wearing red and I was praying in my heart not to be noticed. Thank God, I was not noticed!

The Daily Show Outside the Studio shooting a VTR playback
After like 20 minutes of  the briefing, Jon Stewart was called out on the set. This time, cameras were not allowed. That moment, I was overwhelmed with joy! In my mind, I wish we can have more "Jon Stewart" in the Philippines, a  Host who would  try to connect and create a rapport with his audience before taping.

Jon Stewart, spent almost 30 minutes conversing with the audience.  He allowed the audience to ask him any question! People threw him all sort of questions about the show and weird ones  like, "What can you advise on finding true love?!" Haha. But he answered each and every question with wit and his usual charm. After the question and answer portion, John Stewart went to his desk, ready to roll!

The taping was "taped as live" No take two, no fake applause, no fake "laughs" like how we "sometimes" do in the Philippines. It reminded me of how  weird it was sometimes in the Philippines  when we tape a talk show and we had to cut, repeat some question and expected to get the same reaction!  I actually hated that. It is a pain when editing that kind of material.

I especially hate it when the director asks the host to repeat the "jokes" and had to fake a laugh too!

Here, we were like watching the show as if we are watching it on tv, the only difference was we were at the studio! The VTRs were ready. The reporter reported in a chroma where you can see the background in the monitor.

It was a show for both the live audience and televiewers.

Going at the Daily Show Studio, I did not feel like I went there to learn TV Production 101 where as an audience you can see first hand the technical glitches in TV production,  staff screaming, staff walking everywhere stressed out. I went there to watch a "show" that was made for an audience inside the studio and in their homes and every one in the crowd felt very special.

I felt special.
And who knows one day, I will be part of an American TV show too *winks*
